
RECNA, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University, will interview five prominent experts on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation who will participate in 2019 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference on Mach 11 & 12. Please see the interview schedule below and access RECNA’s Facebook page.

■Interview Schedule ■

■Dr. George Perkovich
    (Vice President for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
    8:20 AM- 8:45 AM (EST in the US) on March 11 (Monday)

■Dr. Harald Müller (Former Director of Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)
    10:30 AM- 11:00 AM (EST in the US) on March 11 (Monday)

■Prof. Igor Ivanov (Former Foreign Minister of Russian Federation)
    5:00 PM- 5:30 PM (EST in the US) on March 11 (Monday)

■Dr. Li Bin (Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
    3:15 PM- 3:45 PM (EST in the US) on March 12 (Tuesday)

■One more expert is TBD.
    We will post the fixed information on RECNA’s Facebook page.

■ Streaming ■

Please access RECNA’s Facebook page. 20~30 minutes interviews will be streamed. Even after the interview, you can still watch the videos on RECNA’s Facebook page.

Category TOPICS

Under the request from Panel on Peace and Security of Northeast Asia (PSNA), three Special Essays on US-DPRK Summit in Hanoi were published. They are now available on our PSNA website. Please see them from the Links below.

Kim–Trump summitry: Neither breakthrough nor breakdown”    by Ramesh Thakur
    ・Profile of Dr. Ramesh Thakur

After the 2nd US-DPRK Summit in Hanoi, Vietnam: Sustain the Inter-Korean Momentum”    by Mark Byung-Moon Suh and Elisabeth Imi Suh
    ・Profile of Dr. Mark Byung-Moon Suh
    ・Profile of Ms. Elisabeth Imi Suh

Applying diplomacy for the common good”    by Shen Dingli
    ・Profile of Dr. Shen Dingli

    ・About PSNA (Panel on Peace and Security of Northeast Asia)

See also:

The North Korea–United States summit and possibilities for new security-oriented thinking”    by Kyoji Yanagisawa

    ・Profile of Dr. Leon V. Sigal

Category TOPICS

Dr. Leon V. Sigal, Director of Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project, Social Science Research Council (USA), contributed his special essay on upcoming US-DPRK Summit in Hanoi from February 27, 2019, under the request from Panel on Peace and Security of Northeast Asia (PSNA). It is now available on our PSNA website. Please see it from the link below.


Profile of Dr. Leon V. Sigal
・About PSNA (Panel on Peace and Security of Northeast Asia)

Category TOPICS

“Global list of nuclear warheads” for fiscal 2018 with details on individual nations was released.

>> “Global list of nuclear warheads” for fiscal 2018 (Latest version)


Category TOPICS

Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA) issued the statement on the Collapse of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty on February 4, 2019.

>> for details



Category TOPICS

RECNA Newsletter Vol.7 No.3 (December 31, 2018)

Newsletter Vol.7 No.3 _ The PCU Nagasaki Council for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (PCU-NC) and Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA) together invited Dr. Mark Suh, a South Korean political scientist who is an expert on the situation in North Korea, to Tokyo.
>>for details


Category TOPICS

Vol.1, Issue 2 of Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (J-PAND) has just been published. The issue features “Nuclear Strategies in Transition,” “Nuclear Energy Policy in East Asia,” and “Nuclear-Armed DPRK and Security in Northeast Asia.”

J-PAND was launched in December 2017 and edited by Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA).

For the issue, see here.


Category TOPICS

Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (J-PAND) has published new articles in its website. J-PAND is a newly-launched academic outlet edited by Nagasaki University. It is also an open access journal published by Taylor & Francis.

Peter Hayes, “Trump and the Interregnum of American Nuclear Hegemony”

Seong-hyon Lee, “The Shift of Security Environment in Northeast Asia: The US–China Conflict and its Implications for Korea”


Category TOPICS

On November 9, RECNA and PCU-NC held a round-table meeting with the press at the Japan National Press Club Tokyo. About 10 senior writers and directors attended to exchange views on North Korea’s denuclearization diplomacy, relations between the party and military inside the country, and so on.

Before the meeting, a press conference with Dr. Mark Suh, a member of the Pugwash Council, was held. He talked about current North Korea situation, projects and programs of the Pugwash Council, and expected role of Japan.

Click here to see the video released by Japan National Press Club.


Category TOPICS

RECNA Newsletter Vol.7 No.2 (September 30, 2018)

Newsletter Vol.7 No.2 _ In his early 40s, this genius joined the nuclear policy team at the White House under then-President Barack Obama.
>>for details


Category TOPICS

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