No.27March 31, 2019
The notice of withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty – Statement from an atomic-bombed city
[日本語版]INF全廃条約破棄通告について ― 被爆地からの発言 ―
No.26December 31, 2018
Sixth Nagasaki Global Citizens’ Assembly for Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (Nagasaki City, November 16-18, 2018)
[日本語版]第6回核廃絶地球市民集会ナガサキ (長崎市2018.11.16-18)
No.24June 30, 2018
The U.S.-North Korea Summit and Joint Statement – Responses from Nagasaki
No.23March 31, 2018
The Reaction in Atomic-bombed Cities to the Trump Administration Nuclear Posture Review
[日本語版]トランプ政権、「核態勢見直し」(Nuclear Posture Review) へ被爆地の反応
No.22December 31, 2017
Japan’s UNGA Resolution on Nuclear Disarmament
No.21September 30, 2017
Peace Declaration and Mayors for Peace Nagasaki Appeal
No.20June 30, 2017
Global High-level Movement Conference on Nuclear Weapons in Nagasaki
No.19March 31, 2017
The 26th United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues: Reactions from Nagasaki
No.18January 31, 2017
The Reaction in Nagasaki to the UN’s Adoption of a Resolution for Negotiations on a Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons
No.17October 31, 2016
The Reaction in Nagasaki to Reports on Obama Administration “No-First-Use” Nuclear Weapons Policy
No.16July 22, 2016
The Reaction in Nagasaki to President Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima
No.15February 1, 2016
Press Reactions to the Nagasaki Declaration of the Pugwash Council – some favorable, some not, much impact overall
No.14September 15, 2015
The 70th Nagasaki Peace Ceremony and various other Peace Events
No.13September 15, 2015
The voices of Nagasaki citizens opposed to the new security-related legislation
No.12February 28, 2015
Representatives from Nagasaki and Hiroshima City Visit the Ambassador Kennedy;A request is made to have President Obama visit the sites of the atomic bombings
No.11November 30, 2014
Nagasaki City sends letter of protest to U.S. government over nuclear-weapon capability tests; Nagasaki atomic bombing survivors stage sit-in at the Peace Park
No.10November 30, 2014
Peace and Green Boat calls on Nagasaki Port; Japanese and Korean passengers engage in discussions with students at Nagasaki University
No.9July 31, 2014
Nagasaki confirmed as site for the 2015 Pugwash International Conference
No.8March 31, 2014
RECNA develops visual materials to increase public awareness about nuclear warheads
No.7July 18, 2013
The Japanese government’s refusal to endorse the Joint Declaration on the Inhuman Nature of Nuclear Weapons draws increasing ire
No.6Apr 15, 2013
The Nagasaki Youth Delegation gears up for Geneva
No.5Jan 22, 2013
Japan’s first council for eliminating nuclear weapons involving a university, a prefectural government and a municipal government is formed in Nagasaki
No.4Dec 25, 2012
Nuclear free local authorities in Japan protest a new type of nuclear weapons testing by the U.S.
No.3Sep 15, 2012
A Cross-Party Working Team of Japanese Diet Members Undertakes Efforts to Establish a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
No.2Aug 30, 2012
All elementary and junior high school students in Nagasaki learn about peace and the atomic bombing for nine years
No.1Aug 13, 2012
The heads of more than 400 local authorities express support for a Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone