



October 31, 2016
The Reaction in Nagasaki to Reports on Obama Administration “No-First-Use” Nuclear Weapons Policy


>>for details Dispatches from Nagasaki

Category TOPICS

RECNA Newsletter Vol.5 No.2 (October 31, 2016)

_ The program of the current, Fourth Nagasaki Youth Delegation is different from the usual year of participation in Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) activities.

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Category TOPICS


 On Friday, October 28, 2016 (Japan time), the United Nations General Assembly First Committee made a historical  decision to start treary negotiations next March to prohibit nuclear weapons.

 Now, we express RECNA’s opinion “RECNA’s Statement On the Resolution regarding Negotiations for a Legally Binding Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapon”.

 Please read our opinion.


RECNA’s Statement On the Resolution regarding Negotiations for a Legally Binding Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapon(2016.10.31)



>>for details RECNA’s EYE

Category TOPICS




February  1, 2016
The Reaction in Nagasaki to President Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima


>>for details Dispatches from Nagasaki

Category TOPICS

RECNA Newsletter Vol.5 No.1 (July 31, 2016)


The second session of the United Nations’ Open -Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Nuclear Disarmament was held 2-13 May 2016 at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

 >>for details


Category TOPICS


 On July 10, 2016, one of the leading US newspapers, the Washington Post, reported that the Obama Administration is now considering new nuclear policies, including “no-first-use” of nuclear weapons.

 Now, we express RECNA’s opinion “RECNA Statement on“No-first-use”nuclear policy”.

 Please read our opinion.


RECNA Statement on“No-first-use”nuclear policy(2016.07.22)


>>for details RECNA’s EYE

Category TOPICS


 On May 27, 2016, US President Mr. Obama will visit “Hibakuchi (the site of an atomic-
bombed) Hiroshima” as the first sitting incumbent American president.

 For Mr. Obama, aiming for a world without nuclear weapons, and for “Hibakuchi
Nagasaki”, we hope this vist will become the historically important one.

 Now, we express RECNA’s opinion “US President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima: Its
implications and Expectations”.

 Please read our opinion.


US President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima: Its implications and Expectations(2016.05.13)


>>for details RECNA’s EYE

Category TOPICS

RECNA Newsletter Vol.4 No.2 (March 31, 2016)


Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, held from April 27 to May 22 in New York, unfortunately failed to adopt a final document and instead ended “broken off.”

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