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ICU SSRI, Sophia IGC, RECNA Joint Symposium
Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?
Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization”

flyer (PDF)

■Date and Time:
Friday, December 6, 9:00-17:00 and
Saturday, December 7, 10:10-12:40 (JST)
■Venue: International Conference Room, Kiyoshi Togasaki Memorial Dialogue House
■Language: English (No interpreting services available)


*Registration required: Please register from the following Link.

■Summary: The world is now facing a risk of nuclear war. Tension is also increasing in Northeast Asia. How to prevent escalation to War in this region? At this Symposium, we will explore possible measures that civil society and the government in Asia-Pacific region can take. Three principle pillars, i.e. “diplomacy of reassurance”, “risk management and reduction”, and “multilateral framework of comprehensive, common, and cooperative security”, will be discussed. And, explore possible new Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone concept which is adopted to the needs of this region.


Fri. 6 December International Symposium

9:00-10:00 Opening Session
Welcome Greetings: Katsuhiko Mori, Director, SSRI, ICU
Keynote Speech: Morton Halperin via Zoom, former Director, Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State
“Towards a NWFZ in Northeast Asia”

10:10-11:20 Session I First Strike? The Rise of Preemptive Doctrines and the Rising Risk of War
Jae-Jung Suh, Program Chair, SSRI, ICU
“The Lure to Preempt Weapons, the Risk to Precipitate War”
Gregory Kulacki, East Asia Project Manager, Union of Concerned Scientists
“Contemporary US-China Relations and the Problem of Extended Nuclear Deterrence in East Asia”
Discussants: Wooksik Cheong, Director, Peace Network
Fumihiko Yoshida, Director, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University

11:30-12:40 Session II Risk Management and Reduction
Peter Hayes via Zoom, Director, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability
“Comprehensive Security Roadmap to Denuclearize the Korean Peninsula”
Van Jackson via Zoom, Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington
“Peacemaking and Nuclear Precarity: Practical Solutions to Preventing World War III”
Discussants: Michiru Nishida, Professor, School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University
Brian Aycock, Assistant Professor by Special Appointment, SSRI, ICU

12:40-13:50 Lunch

13:50-15:00 Session III Proactive Diplomacy and Early Warnings
Sayo Saruta, Director,New Diplomacy Initiative
“Institutionalization of Multi-Truck Diplomacy”
A-Young Moon, Representative, PeaceMOMO
“Security as commons, civil space for conflict prevention and peace-building”
Discussants: Tobias Weiss, Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University
Keiko Nakamura, Associate Professor, RECNA, Nagasaki University

15:10-16:20 Session IV C3 Security Regime and Denuclearization
Tatsujiro Suzuki, Professor, RECNA, Nagasaki University & Jae-Jung Suh
“Proposing NWFZ 2.0 and C3 Regime”
Rebecca Johnson via Zoom, Founding Director, Acronym Institute
“Using the TPNW to reframe security and denuclearization dialogues and NWFZ strategies in Northeast Asia”
Discussants: Kimiaki Kawai, Vice Director, RECNA, Nagasaki University
Wilhelm Vosse, Chair, Department of Politic and International Studies, ICU

16:20-17:00 Closing Session
Wrap-up Statement: Hiromichi Umebayashi, Special Advisor, Peace Depot
Concluding Remarks: Hyang-Suk Kwon via Zoom, Deputy Director, Institute of Global Concern, Sophia University
Joint Prayer: Jeremiah Alberg, Acting Director, Religious Center, ICU and Father Juan Haidar, Professor, Faculty of
Theology, Sophia University

Sat. 7 December Peace-building Scenario Workshop

10:10-12:40 Discussion on policy implications (Open to the public)
Opening Remark: Michael Hamel-Green via Zoom, Emeritus Professor, Victoria University
“Successes in Regional Peace-Building, Challenges in Northeast Asia”
Peace-building Scenario
Moderators: Francis Daehoon Lee, Director, Trans-Education for Peace Institute of PeaceMOMO
Kazuko Hikawa, Vice Director, RECNA, Nagasaki University
Wrap-up Statement: Fumihiko Yoshida
Concluding Remarks: Jae-Jung Suh

■Co-hosted by: Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), International Christian University, Institute of Global Concern of Sophia University, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA)


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ICU SSRI・上智大学IGC・RECNA共催シンポジウム

2024年12月6-7日(金-土)、国際基督教大学 社会科学研究所(SSRI)上智大学グローバル・コンサーン研究所(IGC)、RECNAとの共催でシンポジウムを開催します。

チラシ (PDF)

■日 時: 2024年12月6日(金)9:00-17:00/7日(土)10:10-12:40
■会 場: 国際基督教大学 東ヶ崎潔記念ダイアログハウス 国際会議室
■言 語: 英語(同時通訳なし)


■概 要:世界は今核戦争のリスクに直面している。北東アジアにおいても、緊張がたかまっている。戦争へとエスカレートするのを防ぐためにはどうすればよいのか。本シンポジウムでは、アジア太平洋地域の市民社会と政府が取りうる方策を探る。具体的には、「安心の外交」「リスク管理と削減」「包括的で共通かつ協力的な安全保障の多国間枠組み」の3本柱を議論する。そして、この地域に適応した新たな北東アジア非核兵器地帯の在り方を検討する。



9:00-10:00 開 会
歓迎の挨拶: 毛利勝彦(ICU 社会科学研究所所長)
基調講演: モートン・ハルペリン /Zoom 参加(元アメリカ合衆国国務省政策企画本部長)

10:10-11:20 セッションI 先制攻撃とは?先制主義の台頭と戦争リスクの高まり
グレゴリー・カラーキー(憂慮する科学者同盟 東アジアプロジェクトマネージャー)

11:30-12:40 セッションII リスク管理と軽減
ピーター・ヘイズ/Zoom 参加(ノーチラス研究所所長)
ヴァン・ジャクソン/Zoom 参加(ヴィクトリア大学ウェリントン上級講師)
    ブライアン・エイコック(ICU 社会科学研究所特任助教)

12:40-13:50 ランチ

13:50-15:00 セッションIII 積極外交と早期警戒

15:10-16:20 セッションIV C3安全保障レジームと非核化
鈴木達治郎(長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター教授)& 徐載晶
「非核兵器地帯2.0 とC3 体制の提案」
レベッカ・ジョンソン /Zoom 参加(アクロニム研究所初代所長)
「安全保障と非核化への対話の再構築のための核兵器禁止条約の活用と北東アジアにおける 非核兵器地帯(NWFZ)戦略」
    ヴィルヘルム・フォッセ(ICU 政治学・国際関係学デパートメント長)

16:20-17:00 閉 会
まとめ:梅林宏道(NPO 法人ピースデポ特別顧問)
閉会の辞: 権香淑 /Zoom 参加(上智大学グローバル・コンサーン研究所副所長)
共同の祈り:ジェレマイア・オルバーグ(ICU 宗務部長代行)、ホアン・アイダル(上智大学神学部教授)

12月7日(土)平和構築シナリオ ワークショップ

10:10-12:40 政策への影響に関するディスカッション
開会の辞: マイケル・ハメル=グリーン/Zoom 参加(ヴィクトリア大学メルボルン校名誉教授)
モデレーター:フランシス・ダイホン・リー(PeaceMOMO 平和教育研究所所長)
まとめ: 吉田文彦
閉会の辞: 徐載晶

■主 催: 国際基督教大学 社会科学研究所(SSRI)、上智大学グローバル・コンサーン研究所(IGC)、長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)

国際基督教大学 社会科学研究所(SSRI)
E-Mail : ssri★icu.ac.jp(★を@に変更)


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Special Lecture
The nuclear challenge today and tomorrow: Approaching eight decades since nuclear weapons were used in war

Date: December 2, 2024 (Mon) 18:00 pm – 19:30 pm (JST)
Venue: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum Hall (Nagasaki City)
Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Speaker: Dan Smith, Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

*Online participation is available (Zoom Webinar):
Please register from the here🔗. [Deadline: Nov. 28, 2024]

Flyer (PDF *Japanese version only) This year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations. This award highlights that the issue of nuclear weapons concerns not only the present but also our future. In a world where tensions between major powers and nuclear arms race are intensifying, how should nations striving for peace and civil society respond? 
In this lecture, Mr. Dan Smith, Director of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), will provide an insightful explanation of the challenges related to nuclear weapons and peace that the world currently faces, drawing upon his extensive experience and broad expertise.

Mr. Dan Smith has researched and written on security, conflict and peace for four decades. He served four years in the UN Peacebuilding Fund Advisory Group, two as Chair (2010–2011). He was part-time Professor of Peace and Conflict at the University of Manchester from 2014 to 2017. Before taking up his post at SIPRI, he was Secretary General of the London-based peacebuilding NGO, International Alert (2003–2015) and Director of the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (1993–2001).

SIPRI is one of the world’s leading think tanks on peace and security and publishes an annual report on global armaments, military budgets and conflict situations. In that report this year, Director Smith expressed his concern that we are now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history.

■Hosted by PCU-NC Administration Office
■Co-hosted by Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA)

■Contact: PCU-NC Administration Office
Email:pcu_nc★ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp (Change ★ to @.)


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International Symposium2024
Victims of Nuclear Weapons in Global Contexts: Appealing- “No More Hibakusha” Now ▶[JPN]

On Saturday, November 30, 2024, The international symposium will be held co-hosted by the Hiroshima Peace Institute (HPI), The Hiroshima Peace Media Center, and RECNA.

Date: November 30, 2024 13:30-16:30 (JST)
Venue: International Conference Center Hiroshima, Second Basement (B2F) “Himawari” (1-5 Nakashima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, JAPAN)
Capacity: 450 people
Entrance Fee: No charge *Advance registration is not required.

[Interpretation Provided]

Hosts: The Hiroshima Peace Institute (HPI), Hiroshima City University (HCU)
The Chugoku Shimbun
The Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA), Nagasaki University
Support: Hiroshima Platform for Peace Studies and Education

flyer (PDF)Outline:
This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the Lucky Dragon incident after the Bravo H-Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll, which resulted in another human death caused by nuclear weapons after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This year’s Academy Award winning movie “Oppenheimer” also brought attention towards the Trinity test, which was the first nuclear explosion in human history. The consecutive nuclear testing since the Cold War era by nuclear weapons states knowingly caused calamity through radioactive contaminations, making so-called “Global Hibakusha” victims. This symposium will critically question the proposition that nuclear weapons bear some utility and try to establish ways to strengthen the norm against nuclear weapons use, be it during the wartime or peacetime. Putting narratives of Hiroshima and Global Hibakusha in the same context will help us to find a path towards nuclear abolishment.


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■日 時: 2024年11月30日(土)13:30~16:30
■会 場: 広島国際会議場 地下2階 ヒマワリ(広島市中区中島町1番5号 平和記念公園内)
■定 員: 先着450名(事前申込不要・入場無料)
<同時通訳 ・ 手話通訳付き>
■主 催: 広島市立大学広島平和研究所・中国新聞社ヒロシマ平和メディアセンター・長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)
■後 援: 一般社団法人ヒロシマ平和研究教育機構

チラシ (PDF) 第五福竜丸被曝から70年の節目である2024年は、映画「オッペンハイマー」が話題となり、人類初の核爆発だったトリニティ実験にも改めて注目が集まりました。冷戦期から核保有国は長年、核実験を繰り返してきましたが、放射能汚染による被害を知りながら、犠牲を強いてグローバル・ヒバクシャを生み出してきたとの重い指摘もあります。

TEL:(082)830-1811 FAX:(082)830-1812
E-Mail : office-peace★m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp(★を@に変更)


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