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Winners of the 2nd Essay Contest Announced   [JPN]


The Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA) held a call for “opinions” applying to the 2nd Essay Contest on “Nuclear Weapons and Our Future”, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of nuclear weapons issues among the younger generation and fostering human resources who can contribute to the realization of a peaceful international society.

We are pleased to announce that we have selected one Grand Prize winner and one Second Prize winner in each of the U-20 (16 to 20 years old) and U-30 (20 to 30 years old) divisions.

⇒ 2nd Essay Contest Award Ceremony

【 Winners: 2 Grand Prize Winners, 2 Second Prize Winners 】

* Age at time of application.

U-20: Grand Prize
  Minako Baba(17 years old)

Sophomore at Seiwa Jogakuin High School. Lives in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture.

U-30: Grand Prize
  Adiya Kerimbayeva(27 years old)

Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Disaster and Radiation Medicine, 2nd year of Master course. Lives in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
I am from Kazakhstan. I was born and raised in a small town, which is historically known for being located near a nuclear test site that existed under the Soviet Union. Since I was a child I wanted to become a doctor to save people’s lives, so I went to the Semey Medical University in Kazakhstan, finished my bachelor’s degree and internship in general medicine, after which I entered the master’s program of “Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences” at Nagasaki University. Now I am continuing my research in this field.

U-20: Second Prize
  Haruka Unno(19 years old)

Sophomore, School of Cultural Planning, Waseda University. Lives in Minato-ku, Tokyo.

U-30: Second Prize
  Adriana Nazarko(25 years old)

Bowdoin College, International Relations and Asian Studies, Class of 2021. Lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A. Lives in Minoh City, Osaka, Japan.
Adriana Nazarko is currently an ALT in Minoh City through the JET program. She completed her bachelor’s degree in International Relations and East Asian Studies at Bowdoin College. Her research interests include North Korea’s nuclear program, 21st century nuclear deterrence, and US-ROK-Japan trilateral relations. She looks forward to pursuing a career in diplomacy and nuclear nonproliferation.


【 U-20: 20 Finalists excluding winners / 88 Total Applicants 】
【 U-30: 18 Finalists excluding winners / 38 Total Applicants 】



Calls for submissions! [JPN]
2nd Essay Contest on a “Nuclear Weapons Free Future”

Sub-theme for this year: “Can Nuclear Weapons Save Our Planet?”

Flyer (In Japanese Only)

The Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA), with the support of the Nagasaki Shimbun, invites youth between the ages of 16 and 29 to submit an essay on a “Nuclear Weapons Free Future.”

In January 2023, the “Doomsday Clock” of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist was reset to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest ever to doomsday. The Bulletin did this because of the growing threat of the use of nuclear weapons and the ongoing destruction of the global environment. There are people who argue that nuclear weapons are crucial for national security. But can nuclear weapons really save humans, nations, and the planet?

Awards will be given for outstanding essays on the theme of a “Nuclear Weapons Free Future” taking into consideration the sub-theme of the supposed role of nuclear weapons in national security, the survival of human civilization and the health of the global environment. We look forward to reading your thoughts and innovative ideas.

Entries will be divided into two groups: youth aged 16 to 19 (Under 20) and youth aged 20 to 29 (Under 30). Awards will be given to outstanding essays and there will be one grand prize winner for each age group. The two winning essays will be published in the Nagasaki Shimbun newspaper and the winning authors will be invited to participate in the award ceremony in Nagasaki on Saturday, September 23rd, 2023. If the winner resides in Japan, she/he will be invited to Nagasaki to participate in person. If the winner resides overseas, he/she will be invited to participate in the award ceremony online.

• Under-20 (Ages between 16 and 19), Under-30 (Ages between 20 and 29) as of July 31, 2023.
• Any residence or nationality is welcome.


Please submit the following documents in PDF format by e-mail to opinion@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
1. Application [form] * For download
2. Your Essay (Essays should be about 1000 words, in English, and must be original and unpublished. Give your essay an appropriate title.)


July 31, 2023
You will receive a notice of receipt approximately one week after submission. If you do not receive a notice please contact us at the contact information below.
* Please note that applications will not be accepted at the contact e-mail address.


For Youth Under-30:
• The grand prize winner will receive a commemorative plaque, prize money of 50,000 yen, and, for a winner who resides in Japan, an invitation to the award ceremony in Nagasaki. (A winner who resides outside Japan will be invited to participate online.) A Nagasaki Peace Tour will be arranged for those who wish to participate.
• The second prize winner will receive a commemorative plaque and prize money of 30,000 yen.
For Youth Under-20:
• The grand prize winner will receive a commemorative plaque, prize money of 30,000 yen, and, for a winner who resides in Japan, an invitation to the award ceremony in Nagasaki. (A winner who resides outside Japan will be invited to participate online.) A Nagasaki Peace Tour will be arranged for those who wish to participate.
• The second prize winner will receive a commemorative plaque and prize money of 10,000 yen.


Two grand prize winners and two second prize winners will be selected after strict screening by the selection committee. The committee members are:
Yuichi SEIRAI, Akutagawa Award-winning author (Chair)
Gregory KULACKI, Visiting Fellow of RECNA (Chair of the English Review Subcommittee)
Yoshiki YAMADA, Editorial Director, Nagasaki Shimbun newspaper, visiting professor of RECNA (Vice chair)
Keiko NAKAMURA, Associate Professor of RECNA (Vice chair)
Mei KOJIMA, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Nagasaki, reporter
Tatsujiro SUZUKI, Vice Director of RECNA, professor
Sumiko HATAKEYAMA, Co-president of Peace Boat
Ruiko MATSUNAGA, peace activist


Your Essay will be evaluated on the following criteria:
(1) Clarity, (2) Logical consistency, (3) Factual content, (4) Creativity and originality, (5) Expressiveness


The results will be announced in the Award Ceremony.
Time and Date: Saturday, September 23, 2023, 1-2 p.m.
Venue: Nagasaki University (https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/en/)
The Grand Prize-winning essays will be published in full in the Nagasaki Shimbun newspaper at a later date. All winning essays will be published on the RECNA website.
* The copyright of the submitted essays belongs to entrant, but the organizer (RECNA) holds secondary use (publication online or paper format, etc.) right of the winning essays.


Sponsored by: the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA)
Supported by: Nagasaki Shimbun Newspaper
Nominal support organizations: Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki City, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Nagasaki, KTN (Television Nagasaki Co.,Ltd.), NBC (Nagasaki Broadcasting Company), NCC(Nagasaki Culture Telecasting Corporation), NIB (Nagasaki International Television Broadcasting, Inc.)

* This project is funded by a donation for the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA).

Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA)
TEL: +81-95-819-2164
E-mail: recna_staff@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
Website: https://www.recna.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/recna/en-top


第2回「核なき未来」オピニオン募集! [ENG]



「U-20」(16歳以上20歳未満)、「U-30」(20歳以上30歳未満) の2つの部で、「核なき未来」に関するオピニオン(小論文、エッセイなど形式は自由)を募集します。2023年のサブテーマは「核兵器は地球を守れるか?」です。あなたの想いや意見を自由に綴ってください。


資  格:
① U-20の部(16歳以上20歳未満)
② U-30の部(20歳以上30歳未満)
方  法:
(1)応募申請書  1部 [様式]※ダウンロード用
(2)オピニオン  1部
提 出 先:


・最優秀賞 1名: 記念盾、副賞賞金5万円、長崎での授賞式に招待(国内受賞者のみ)
・優秀賞1名: 記念盾、副賞賞金3万円
・最優秀賞 1名: 記念盾、副賞賞金3万円、長崎での授賞式に招待(国内受賞者のみ)
・優秀賞1名: 記念盾、副賞賞金1万円


選  考:
青来 有一(芥川賞作家)審査委員長
山田 貴己(長崎新聞社取締役編集局長、RECNA客員教授)副委員長
中村 桂子(RECNA准教授)副委員長
小島 萌衣(NHK長崎放送局記者)
鈴木 達治郎(RECNA副センター長、教授)
畠山 澄子(ピースボート共同代表)
松永 瑠衣子(平和活動家)
2023年9月23日(土)13:00~14:00 於:長崎大学
主  催: 長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)
協  力: 長崎新聞社
後  援: 長崎県、長崎市、KTNテレビ長崎、NBC長崎放送、NCC長崎文化放送、NHK長崎放送局、NIB長崎国際テレビ


E-mail: recna_staff@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
Website: https://www.recna.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/recna/



第1回 ピースキャリアトーク ~ 平和を「仕事」に!~

チラシ (PDF版)


■日 時:2023年3月31日(金)18:00~19:30
■会 場:オンライン(Zoomミーティング)
■対 象:高校生・大学生世代の若者対象

※ お申込みは終了いたしました。YouTubeで 動画 を公開しました。

image 西田 充(にしだ みちる)さん
image 酒井 環(さかい たまき)さん

お問合せ: 核兵器廃絶長崎連絡協議会(PCU-NC)
TEL: 095-819-2252
Email: pcu_nc@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
Website: https://www.pcu-nc.jp/

主  催: 核兵器廃絶長崎連絡協議会(PCU-NC)
共  催: 長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)




~ 特別講演会 第2弾 開催のご案内 ~
2023年1月21日(土)13:30-15:30 出島メッセ長崎
芥川賞作家・平野 啓一郎 講演会 「核なき世界の想像/創造」



 日 時: 2022年10月29日(土) 13:30~16:00(開場 13:00)
 会 場: 長崎原爆資料館ホール + オンライン・ライブ配信

プ ロ グ ラ ム
開会あいさつ: 河 野   茂 (長崎大学学長)
あいさつ  : 大 石 賢 吾 (長崎県知事)、 田 上 富 久 (長崎市長)

 第1部 基調講演
 講師: ショーナ-ケイ・リチャーズ (駐日ジャマイカ大使)

 第2部 パネルディスカッション
朝長 万左男 (核兵器廃絶地球市民長崎集会実行委員長)
宮 崎 園 子 (広島在住ジャーナリスト)
中 村   楓 (ナガサキ・ユース代表団第8・9期生)
中 村 桂 子 (RECNA准教授)

閉会あいさつ: 調   漸(PCU-NC会長、長崎大学特命教授)
総 合 司 会:  前 田 真 里 (Peace by Peace NAGASAKI代表)


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