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【公開ワークショップ】 第40回 RECNA研究会

YouTubeで動画を公開しました! ※ 字幕(英語:自動生成)を表示し、

日時: 2023年10月16日(月)9:00-11:00
場所: 長崎大学文教キャンパス 環境科学部本館1階 A-12教室(オンライン配信あり)
アクセス: https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/ja/access/bunkyo/index.html
文教キャンパスマップ (PDF)
開催概要 (PDF)


共  催:  長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)/ 憂慮する科学者同盟(UCS)
恊  力:  長崎大学NURESCA(STAR創出プログラム「人新世における連帯的生存に向けて」)/ 長崎大学多文化社会学部核廃絶・核軍縮研究会
使用言語:  英語(通訳は付きません)
申込方法:  ※参加申込受付は終了いたしました。
お問合せ:  (E-mail) recna_staff@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp


司会進行 中村 桂子(RECNA准教授)
9:00-9:05  開会挨拶 吉田 文彦(RECNAセンター長・教授)
9:05-9:20  「米国のミサイル防衛政策の概要とその影響」
9:20-9:35  「米国のプルトニウム・ピット生産における問題点」
9:35-9:50  「北朝鮮のプルトニウム生産能力」
9:50-10:05  「米中核戦争の可能性」
10:05-10:20  「米国核・軍事予算の分析」
 エリン・マクドナルド(UCS アナリスト)
10:20-10:25  休憩
10:25-10:55  自由討論 モデレーター: 鈴木達治郎(RECNA副センター長)
10:55-11:00  閉会挨拶 グレゴリー・カラーキー(UCS及びRECNA)



L.Grego ローラ・グレゴ
D.Spaulding ディラン・スパルディング
The Status of US National Laboratories
S.Park スルギエ・パーク
Status on North Korea’s Fissile Material Production
R.Rust ロバート・ラスト
China’s Nuclear Buildup and Potential for Conflict
E.MacDonald エリン・マクドナルド
The US Nuclear Weapons Budget: The Sky’s the Limit?
G.Kulacki グレゴリー・カラーキー
F.Yoshida 吉田 文彦
T.Suzuki 鈴木 達治郎
K.Nakamura 中村 桂子


RECNA / UCS Workshop on Nuclear Disarmament
“Developments in US nuclear weapons policy and the implications for Northeast Asia”

The video is now available on YouTube!

Date: October 16 (Mon) 9:00 am – 11:00 am (JST)
Place: Room A-12, 1st floor, Main Building, Faculty of Environmental Science,
Bunkyo Campus, Nagasaki University (Online delivery available)
Access: https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/en/access/bunkyo/index.html
Bunkyo Campus Map (PDF)
Outline of the Workshop (PDF)

We are now facing unprecedented nuclear crises. It is a critical time to analyze the policies of the nuclear weapon states and assess the implications of new trends. We are fortunate scientists and analysts from the Global Security Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) will visit Nagasaki University. The Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition at Nagasaki University (RECNA) and UCS are co-organizing a special workshop on nuclear issues with the cooperation of the NURESCA project and Nuclear Abolition and Arms Reduction Research Group at Nagasaki University. The workshop will be open to the public and available on-line. We hope it will be useful for those looking of a better understanding of US nuclear policies and their implications for Northeast Asia.

Cooperation:  NURESCA Project / Nagasaki University Nuclear Abolition and Arms Reduction Research Group
Language:  English only
Registration:  Registration is closed.
Contact:  (E-mail) recna_staff@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp


Moderator: Prof. Keiko Nakamura (RECNA)
9:00-9:05  Welcome by Prof. Fumihiko Yoshida (Director, RECNA)
9:05-9:20  Overview of US Missile Defense and Implications
Dr. Laura Grego, Senior Scientist and Research Director (UCS)
9:20-9:35  Problems with US Plans for Plutonium Pit Production
Dr. Dylan Spaulding, Senior Scientist (UCS)
9:35-9:50  North Korean Plutonium Production Capacity
Dr. Sulgiye Park, Senior Scientist, (UCS)
9:50-10:05  Potential for US-China Nuclear Conflict
Mr. Robert Rust, China Analyst (UCS)
10:05-10:20  Analysis of the U.S. Nuclear and Military Budget
Ms. Eryn MacDonald
10:20-10:25  Break
10:25-10:55  Free Discussion: (Moderator: Prof. Tatsu Suzuki (RECNA))
10:55-11:00  Closing Remark by Dr. Gregory Kulacki (UCS and RECNA)


List of Participants

L.Grego Laura Grego
Laura Grego is a senior scientist and the research director of the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, where she has worked at the intersection of science and public policy, in particular nuclear weapons, missile defense, and space security issues, for twenty years. She recently completed a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship at the Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy at MIT. Before joining UCS, Dr. Grego was a postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
D.Spaulding Dylan Spaulding
Presentation Material(PDF)
The Status of US National Laboratories
Dylan Spaulding is a senior scientist in the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. His work focuses on technical issues related to nuclear weapons and policies that can reduce the threat they pose. Dr. Spaulding earned his undergraduate degree in physics from Brown University and Ph.D in Earth and Planetary Sciences from UC Berkeley. Dr. Spaulding has long been involved with the US national labs as an intern, NNSA Stockpile Stewardship Graduate Fellow, and visiting scientist and experimenter. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique in France and Origins Initiative fellow at Harvard University. Most recently, he commissioned and directed the Shock Compression Laboratory at UC Davis, where he also taught undergraduate geology.
S.Park Sulgiye Park
Presentation Material(PDF)
Status on North Korea’s Fissile Material Production
Sulgiye Park is a Senior Scientist in the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Her work focuses on the front and back end of the nuclear fuel cycle, monitoring and verifying nuclear activities, and analyzing fissile nuclear materials stockpiles. Before joining UCS, Dr. Park worked as a research scientist at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, where she looked at rare-earth metal supply chain issues in the US. She was also a MacArthur and Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), where her research focused on: analyzing geological resources, including uranium and critical metal resources, in North Korea; and radioactive waste management. She published multiple papers on North Korea’s uranium mining and milling processes for disarmament and nonproliferation efforts. Dr. Park holds a Ph.D. in n Geological Sciences from Stanford University, where her thesis work involved characterization of nuclear and earth materials under extreme conditions.
R.Rust Robert Rust
Presentation Material(PDF)
China’s Nuclear Buildup and Potential for Conflict
Robert Rust is a China Analyst with the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. He focuses on China’s nuclear weapons program, Chinese governance, and the US-China relationship. Before joining UCS, Mr. Rust spent six months as a Graduate Trainee at the Norwegian Embassy in Beijing in 2019. While writing his master’s thesis, he was a Graduate Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo. Mr. Rust holds a bachelor of arts in International Relations/Chinese from the College of William and Mary, and a master of arts in Chinese Culture and Society from the University of Oslo in Norway.
E.MacDonald Eryn MacDonald
Presentation Material(PDF)
The US Nuclear Weapons Budget: The Sky’s the Limit?
Eryn MacDonald, an analyst with the Global Security Program since December 2011, is an expert in international security, arms control and nonproliferation, U.S.-China relations, and East Asian security. She has a master’s degree in government from Cornell University, where she wrote a master’s thesis on Chinese space weapons policy. Between her graduate work at Cornell and graduating from Dartmouth with a bachelor’s degree in government, Ms. MacDonald spent four years as a program assistant with the UCS Global Security Program. Just before returning to UCS, she coordinated internships for the International Science and Technology Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
G.Kulacki Gregory Kulacki
Gregory Kulacki is a Senior Analyst and the China Project Manager for the Global Security Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). He is also a Visiting Fellow at the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA) at Nagasaki University. He works on improving cross-cultural communication between the United States of America, China and Japan on nuclear weapons and related security issues. Prior to joining UCS in 2002, Dr. Kulacki was the Director of External Studies at Pitzer College, an Associate Professor of Government at Green Mountain College and the China Director for the Council on International Educational Exchange. Gregory completed his doctorate in government and politics at the University of Maryland College Park.
F.Yoshida Fumihiko Yoshida
Prof. Fumihiko Yoshida is the Director of the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA) at Nagasaki University. He was a Deputy Director of the Editorial Board of the Asahi Shimbun. He served as a member of the Advisory Panel of Experts on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation for Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is Editor-in-Chief of Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (J-PAND). He has a PhD in International Public Policy from Osaka University (2007).
T.Suzuki Tatsujiro Suzuki
Prof. Tatsujiro Susuki is the Vice Director of the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA) at Nagasaki University He was born in 1951. Before joining RECNA, he was a Vice Chairman of Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) of the Cabinet office (2010-2014). He is also a Council Member of Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (2007-09 and from 2014~). Dr. Suzuki has a PhD in nuclear engineering from Tokyo University (1988).
K.Nakamura Keiko Nakamura
Prof. Keiko Nakamura is an Associate Professor in the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA) at Nagasaki University. She is the Former Secretary-General of “Peace Depot” and has a Master’s Degree in International Policy Studies from Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.



第2回「核なき未来」オピニオン賞 受賞式 を開催   [ENG]


長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)は、募集した 第2回「核なき未来」に関するオピニオン のU-20の部 (16歳以上20歳未満)とU-30の部 (20歳以上30歳未満) それぞれで、最優秀賞、優秀賞各1名を発表し、授賞式を行いました。


なお、受賞作のうち最優秀作の2編は、2023年9月24日付長崎新聞の本紙に全文が掲載されました。( こちら は同紙電子版の記事)

【 第2回「核なき未来」オピニオン賞 授賞式 】

授賞式出席者の集合写真   取材に応じる4名の受賞者
授賞式出席者の集合写真   取材に応じる4名の受賞者
日  時: 2023年9月23日(土)13:00~14:00
     (取材対応   14:00~14:30)
場  所: 長崎大学 核兵器廃絶研究センター1階 会議室
次  第: 1.開会挨拶: 鈴木 達治郎 RECNA副センター長・教授
   優秀賞者発表・賞状、盾授与: 青来 有一 審査委員長
    優秀賞者スピーチ 海野 遥香さん (オンライン)
   最優秀賞者発表・賞状、盾授与: 青来 審査委員長
    最優秀賞者スピーチ 馬場 みなこさん
   優秀賞者発表・賞状、盾授与: 青来 審査委員長
    優秀賞者スピーチ アドリアーナ・ナザルコさん
   最優秀賞者発表・賞状、盾授与: 青来 審査委員長
    最優秀賞者スピーチ アディヤ・ケリムバエワさん
3.全体講評: 青来 有一 審査委員長
   山田 貴己 客員教授、小島 萌衣さん(オンライン)、畠山 澄子さん(録画)
取材対応: 青来 有一 審査委員長、受賞者4名
鈴木 達治郎 RECNA副センター長(司会)、中村 桂子 RECNA准教授(通訳)


2nd Essay Contest Award Ceremony Held   [JPN]


The Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA) has selected Grand Prize and Second Prize Award winners in the U-20 (16-20 years old) and U-30 (20-30 years old) categories for the second annual “Opinions on a Nuclear Weapons Free Future” and held an award ceremony as follows.

The two Grand Prize “opinions” were published in full in the September 24, 2023 issue of the Nagasaki Shimbun. (A Japanese article in the electronic edition of the same newspaper)

【 2nd “Opinion” Contest Award Ceremony 】

Group photo of award ceremony attendees   The four award winners being interviewed
Group photo of award ceremony attendees   Four award winners being interviewed
DATE/TIME: Saturday, September 23, 2023
 Award Ceremony: 13:00-14:00
 Press Interviews: 14:00-14:30
VENUE: 1st floor, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition,
Nagasaki University
PROGRAM: 1. Opening Remarks
  by Prof. Tatsujiro Suzuki, Deputy Director of RECNA

2. Announcement of Winners and Award Ceremony

U-20 Division
Announcement of the Second Prize winner, Presentation of Certificate and Plaque
 by Mr. Yuichi Seirai, Chairman of the Selection Committee
 Speech by the Second Prize Winner (Ms. Haruka Unno)
Announcement of the Grand Prize Winner, Presentation of Certificate and Plaque
 by Mr. Seirai, Chairman of the Selection Committee
 Speech by the Grand Prize Winner (Ms. Minako Baba)

U-30 Division
Announcement of the Second Prize winner, Presentation of Certificate and Plaque
 by Mr. Seirai, Chairman of the Selection Committee
 Speech by the Second Prize Winner (Ms. Adriana Nazarko)
Announcement of the Grand Prize Winner, Presentation of Certificate and Plaque
 by Mr. Seirai, Chairman of the Selection Committee
 Speech by the Grand Prize Winner (Ms. Adiya Kerimbayeva)

3. Comment on the awarded essays
  by Mr. Seirai, Chairman of the Selection Committee

4. Comments by the other members of the Selection Committee
  by Mr. Yamada, Ms. Kojima, and Ms. Hatakeyama

5. Group Photography

PRESS Interviews: Speakers: Mr. Seirai, Award winners
Moderator: Prof. Suzuki
Interpreter: Associate Prof. Keiko Nakamura



第2回「核なき未来」オピニオン賞 受賞者を発表   [ENG]


長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター(RECNA)は、昨年に引き続き、若い世代に広く核兵器問題の重要性を訴えるとともに、平和な国際社会の実現に貢献できる人材の育成を図ることを目的として、第2回「核なき未来」に関するオピニオン を募集しました。

このたび、U-20の部 (16歳以上20歳未満)、U-30の部 (20歳以上30歳未満) それぞれで、最優秀賞、優秀賞各1名を決定しましたので、 お知らせいたします。

⇒ 第2回「核なき未来」オピニオン賞 授賞式

【 受賞者: 最優秀賞 2名、優秀賞 2名 】

※ 年齢は応募時のもの。

U-20の部 最 優 秀 賞
  馬場 みなこ(ばば みなこ)17歳

聖和女子学院高等学校 2年 長崎県佐世保市 在住

U-30の部 最 優 秀 賞
  Adiya Kerimbayeva(アディヤ・ケリムバエワ)27歳

長崎大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科 災害・被ばく医療科学共同専攻 修士課程2年 長崎県長崎市 在住

U-20の部 優 秀 賞
  海野 遥香(うんの はるか)19歳

早稲田大学 文化構想学部 2年 東京都港区 在住

U-30の部 優 秀 賞
  Adriana Nazarko(アドリアーナ・ナザルコ)25歳

ボウディン大学 国際関係・アジア研究科 2021年クラス (アメリカ)フロリダ州セントピーターズバーグ 在住 (日本)大阪府箕面市 在住


【 U-20の部 受賞者 以外の 最終選考対象者 20名 / 応募者総数 88名 】
【 U-30の部 受賞者 以外の 最終選考対象者 18名 / 応募者総数 34名 】


1 2 3 4 5 15


  • 第3回オピニオン賞
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  • 北東アジアの平和と安全保障に関するパネル(PSNA)
  • J-PAND
  • RECNA図書
  • 「被爆の実相の伝承」のオンライン化・デジタル化事業ウェブサイト
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  • ナガサキ・ユース代表団
  • RECNAアクセス