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【Symposium】”Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?: Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization” (Dec. 6-7, 2024)

ICU SSRI, Sophia IGC, RECNA Joint Symposium
Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?
Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization”

flyer (PDF)

■Date and Time:
Friday, December 6, 9:00-17:00 and
Saturday, December 7, 10:10-12:40 (JST)
■Venue: International Conference Room, Kiyoshi Togasaki Memorial Dialogue House
■Language: English (No interpreting services available)


*Registration required: Please register from the following Link.

■Summary: The world is now facing a risk of nuclear war. Tension is also increasing in Northeast Asia. How to prevent escalation to War in this region? At this Symposium, we will explore possible measures that civil society and the government in Asia-Pacific region can take. Three principle pillars, i.e. “diplomacy of reassurance”, “risk management and reduction”, and “multilateral framework of comprehensive, common, and cooperative security”, will be discussed. And, explore possible new Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone concept which is adopted to the needs of this region.


Fri. 6 December International Symposium

9:00-10:00 Opening Session
Welcome Greetings: Katsuhiko Mori, Director, SSRI, ICU
Keynote Speech: Morton Halperin via Zoom, former Director, Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State
“Towards a NWFZ in Northeast Asia”

10:10-11:20 Session I First Strike? The Rise of Preemptive Doctrines and the Rising Risk of War
Jae-Jung Suh, Program Chair, SSRI, ICU
“The Lure to Preempt Weapons, the Risk to Precipitate War”
Gregory Kulacki, East Asia Project Manager, Union of Concerned Scientists
“Contemporary US-China Relations and the Problem of Extended Nuclear Deterrence in East Asia”
Discussants: Wooksik Cheong, Director, Peace Network
Fumihiko Yoshida, Director, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University

11:30-12:40 Session II Risk Management and Reduction
Peter Hayes via Zoom, Director, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability
“Comprehensive Security Roadmap to Denuclearize the Korean Peninsula”
Van Jackson via Zoom, Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington
“Peacemaking and Nuclear Precarity: Practical Solutions to Preventing World War III”
Discussants: Michiru Nishida, Professor, School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University
Brian Aycock, Assistant Professor by Special Appointment, SSRI, ICU

12:40-13:50 Lunch

13:50-15:00 Session III Proactive Diplomacy and Early Warnings
Sayo Saruta, Director,New Diplomacy Initiative
“Institutionalization of Multi-Truck Diplomacy”
A-Young Moon, Representative, PeaceMOMO
“Security as commons, civil space for conflict prevention and peace-building”
Discussants: Tobias Weiss, Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University
Keiko Nakamura, Associate Professor, RECNA, Nagasaki University

15:10-16:20 Session IV C3 Security Regime and Denuclearization
Tatsujiro Suzuki, Professor, RECNA, Nagasaki University & Jae-Jung Suh
“Proposing NWFZ 2.0 and C3 Regime”
Rebecca Johnson via Zoom, Founding Director, Acronym Institute
“Using the TPNW to reframe security and denuclearization dialogues and NWFZ strategies in Northeast Asia”
Discussants: Kimiaki Kawai, Vice Director, RECNA, Nagasaki University
Wilhelm Vosse, Chair, Department of Politic and International Studies, ICU

16:20-17:00 Closing Session
Wrap-up Statement: Hiromichi Umebayashi, Special Advisor, Peace Depot
Concluding Remarks: Hyang-Suk Kwon via Zoom, Deputy Director, Institute of Global Concern, Sophia University
Joint Prayer: Jeremiah Alberg, Acting Director, Religious Center, ICU and Father Juan Haidar, Professor, Faculty of
Theology, Sophia University

Sat. 7 December Peace-building Scenario Workshop

10:10-12:40 Discussion on policy implications (Open to the public)
Opening Remark: Michael Hamel-Green via Zoom, Emeritus Professor, Victoria University
“Successes in Regional Peace-Building, Challenges in Northeast Asia”
Peace-building Scenario
Moderators: Francis Daehoon Lee, Director, Trans-Education for Peace Institute of PeaceMOMO
Kazuko Hikawa, Vice Director, RECNA, Nagasaki University
Wrap-up Statement: Fumihiko Yoshida
Concluding Remarks: Jae-Jung Suh

■Co-hosted by: Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), International Christian University, Institute of Global Concern of Sophia University, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA)


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