“World’s Fissile Material Data” 2022 [All Lists]
The 2022 World’s Fissile Material Data have been published. The above two images can be enlarged by clicking on them. You can also view and download the following PDF versions.
・The 2022 Global Inventory Map of Fissile Material
・The 2022 Global Inventory of Fissile Material
The special feature of this year’s map is that for the first time since we started the publication the aggregate amount has diminished. This is in particular due to the large decline in the amount of highly enriched uranium (HEU) but the amounts of plutonium continue to follow an upward trend. A major drop in the amount of HEU was due to reductions by the US in its military-use HEU and reductions in the amounts in the possession of non-nuclear countries, an amount of 76 tons (equivalent to about 1,220 warheads). The overall rising trend in plutonium continues and although the amount of military-use plutonium has not increased much, the amount of civilian use plutonium in the non-military category (held mainly by France and Japan) rose, leading to a slight increase of the overall amount of plutonium (totaling 6 tons, equivalent to around 950 warheads).
◆ You can see the original data of the map from the following links.
・Global Inventory of Separated Plutonium
・Global Inventory of Highly Enriched Uranium
◆ You can see previous “World’s Fissile Material Data” from [All Lists].
◆ The 2022 World’s Nuclear Warheads Data have been published too. You can see them from here.