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Dispatches from Nagasaki No.13

The voices of Nagasaki citizens opposed to the new security-related legislation

Seventy years after the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, the survivors and most of the citizens of Nagasaki City have continued to maintain strong hopes for a world that is peaceful and safe, and have conducted all manner of activities aimed at achieving a world free of nuclear weapons. The following is a compilation of the views that Nagasaki’s citizens are expressing about the new security-related legislation proposed by the Abe administration.

A Peace Ceremony is held in Nagasaki each year on August 9, the day of the atomic bombing. The Mayor of Nagasaki City reads out the Nagasaki Peace Declaration at this ceremony. The last meeting of the Drafting Committee was held on July 11, at the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, to finalize the wording of the declaration. The opinions of the 15 people composing the Drafting Committee were as follows. According to the July 12 edition of the Nishinippon Shimbun, the main newspaper of Kyushu, five of the members requested that Nagasaki’s “deep concern” [about the Abe administration’s proposed legislation] be mentioned in the Declaration, and nobody opposed this suggestion. In the same article,  Masao Tomonaga, who is Director General Emeritus of the Japanese Red Cross Nagasaki Genbaku Hospital emphasized that: “As a city that suffered an atomic attack, it is logical for us to demand that Japan does not rely on deterrence, even if they are conventional weapons.” (July 12 edition of the Nishinihon Shimbun). On the same day Hiromichi Umebayashi, ‎Director at the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University(RECNA), told the Mainichi Shimbun: “An overwhelming number of constitutional scholars are saying that the proposed legislation is unconstitutional. The public are extremely concerned that the bill will pass and become law without any meaningful discussion of it having taken place.” In the same article, atomic bomb survivor and former president of Nagasaki University said: “The government must cautiously and thoroughly listen to the views of the Japanese public.”

On July 15, the security-related legislation was passed by the House of Representatives with a majority backed by members of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, and now goes on to the House of Councillors. In response to the government’s actions, on July 14 a collection of peace groups and others collected in front of Nagasaki Station where around 650 participants held a meeting and chanted slogans. Former President of Nagasaki University Hideo Tsuchiyama also expressed his concern at the behavior of the Abe administration. On July 12, the prefectural league of the Democratic Party of Japan was joined by Yoshiaki Takagi, a DPJ Diet member, at a rally in the center of Nagasaki City where they denounced the new legislation and demanded its repeal. And on the afternoon of July 15, five hibakusha groups sent a written protest to Prime Minister Abe, describing the way the legislation was steam-rolled through parliament as an insult, and demanding that it should be repealed. Details of this can be seen at the following link on the NCC (Nagasaki Culture Telecasting Corporation) website:

Mr. Tsuchiyama told the Asahi Shimbun on July 16 that in order to ensure that the legislation is repealed, “We have to tell as many people as possible about the dangers that are now imminent.” Toyoichi Ihara, the Chairman of the Nagasaki Prefecture Atomic Bomb Survivors Health Book Holders, issued a rallying call, saying: “In this the 70th year after the bombing, we are approaching the first year of a new era of war. Let’s preach peace from Nagasaki, and make absolutely sure we get this legislation repealed.” Meanwhile, on July 16, Kouichi Kawano, Chairman of the A-bomb-exposed Liaison Council, Nagasaki Prefecture Peace Movement Center told nationwide news channel NHK: “I feel really sick that this legislation has been pushed through. Politicians ought to look at the people who voted them into office and pay more attention to the voices of the electorate.” (NHK News web: )

The media has also published many reports on the activities of young people regarding the security legislation. The July 16 edition of the Mainichi Shimbun quoted a 23-year old woman, Saori Ichijima, as saying, “Recently, more and more young people are joining the opposition movement. I want to be a part of the movement and make my voice heard.”  In the same July 16 NHK news web article quoted above, Mr. Morisawa, an 18-year old prep school student who participated in a demonstration, told NHK, “I want to ensure that the peace that had been safeguarded by my parents and grandparents is passed down to future generations. I also believe that politics should promote amicable relations with other nations instead of promoting military might.” With a sense of anxiety about the legislation, numerous youth groups have started to pursue opposition activities. N-DOVE, a group launched by students in Nagasaki Prefecture, is actively disseminating information using SNS applications. On July 25, they held a demo to stop the passage of the security-related legislation, with the estimated participation of 350 people. Mr. Ryosuke Tsutsui, a 21-year old Nagasaki University student enrolled in the Faculty of Economics and an N-DOVE member, told the Nagasaki Shimbun, “The extension of the Diet session has increased our concerns that the legislation will be passed. I believe that holding a demonstration at the site of the atomic bombing on the 70th anniversary of the end of the war is a significant act.” (July 16 edition of the Nagasaki Shimbun: The N-DOVE Facebook page provides updates on their next demonstration, scheduled for August 23 (

On the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing, August 9, 2015, the Hibakusha representative Mr. Sumiteru Taniguchi and Nagasaki City Mayor Tomihisa Taue read out the Peace Declaration. The details of the security legislation were included in the ceremony. In his speech of August 9, Mr. Taniguchi said, “After the war, a Constitution was enacted in which Japan promised to the world that it would never wage war or take up weapons again. However, the government is about to bring Japan back to the wartime period by enforcing the approval for exercising the right to collective self-defense and by pushing ahead with amending the Constitution. The national security legislation being pushed through by the government will lead Japan to war. It will rip up from their roots the movement and philosophy built up by many people seeking peace, including hibakusha, to abolish nuclear weapons. It is absolutely unforgiveable. Nuclear weapons are cruel and inhumane weapons that the people of the world overwhelming believe should be abolished forever.” In his speech, Mayor Taue called for careful deliberation on the security legislation, saying, “The Diet is currently deliberating a bill which will determine how our country guarantees its security. There is widespread unease and concern that the oath which was engraved on to our hearts 70 years ago and the peaceful ideology of the Constitution of Japan are now wavering. I urge the Government and the Diet to listen to these voices of unease and concern, concentrate their wisdom, and conduct careful and sincere deliberations.”

As can be seen from all the above, the media has published many reports of citizens in Nagasaki who have voiced their opposition to the security legislation.





2015年7月15日、安全保障関連法案が衆議院本会議において自民党と公明党の賛成多数で可決され、参議院へ送られた。こういった政府の動きに対し、14日は反対派の平和団体などが長崎駅前で集会を開き約650人が怒りのシュプレヒコールを上げた。土山秀夫・元長崎大学学長も安倍政権の動きに懸念を示した。民主党県連は12日、高木義明衆議院議員も加わって長崎市中心部で法案の撤回を訴え、15日午後には長崎の被爆者5団体も「強行採決は暴挙だ」として法案の撤回を求める抗議文を安倍総理大臣に送った。( 2015年07月15日NCCニュース, テキスト, 動画)土山秀夫・元長崎大学学長は、法案撤回のためには「危険が差し迫っていることを一人でも多くの人に言うことが必要」と述べたという。(朝日新聞2015年7月16日)被爆者の長崎県被爆者手帳友の会の井原東洋一会長は「被爆70年のことし、戦争元年を迎えようとしている。長崎から平和を訴え、必ず廃案に追い込みましょう」と呼びかけた。被爆者の長崎県平和運動センター被爆者連絡協議会の川野浩一議長は、「法案の可決は本当に悔しい。政治家には足元を見て自分たちを選んだ国民の声をもっと聞いてもらいたい」と話したと報じられている。(NHK News web: 2015年7月16日)

また、安保法案に関する若者の動きも多く報じられている。市嶋沙織さん(23)は「若い人たちも最近は、反対運動をする人が増えてきている。一緒にがんばって声を上げていきたい」と話した。(毎日新聞2015年7月16日)また、デモに参加した予備校生の森爽さん(18)は、「親や祖父母が守ってきた平和を引き継いでいきたいし、武力ではなく他国と友好的な関係を築いていくのが本来政治のあるべき姿だと思います」と話したと報じられた。(NHK News web:年7月16日)法案に不安を感じ、活動を始める若者の団体も少なくない。「N-DOVE(エヌダブ)」という長崎県内の学生で立ち上げられた団体は、SNS等での情報発信を活用し活動を行っている。安保法案の成立阻止を求めるデモを7月25日に行い、約350名が集まったという。メンバーの長崎大学の経済学部所属の筒井涼介さん(21)は、「国会延長で、安保法案成立への不安が募った。戦後70年の節目に被爆地で行動を起こすことには意味があると思う」と述べた。(長崎新聞2015年7月16日)8月23日にも次のデモが行われることがこの団体のFacebookのページに告知されている。(

そして、2015年8月9日、原爆が落とされて70年のこの日を迎え、平和宣言が被爆者代表の谷口稜曄(すみてる)さん、長崎市長の田上富久さんから読み上げられた。その中で安保法案に対する内容を紹介する。谷口さんは、「戦後日本は再び戦争はしない、武器は持たないと、世界に公約した「憲法」が制定されました。しかし、今集団的自衛権の行使容認を押しつけ、憲法改正を押し進め、戦時中の時代に逆戻りしようとしています。今政府が進めようとしている戦争につながる安保法案は、被爆者を始め平和を願う多くの人々が積み上げてきた核兵器廃絶の運動、思いを根底から覆そうとするもので、許すことはできません。核兵器は残虐で人道に反する兵器です。廃絶すべきだということが、世界の圧倒的な声になっています。」(2015年8月9日 谷口稜曄)と訴えた。田上市長は、「現在、国会では、国の安全保障のあり方を決める法案の審議が行われています。70年前に心に刻んだ誓いが、日本国憲法の平和の理念が、今揺らいでいるのではないかという不安と懸念が広がっています。政府と国会には、この不安と懸念の声に耳を傾け、英知を結集し、慎重で真摯(しんし)な審議を行うことを求めます。」(2015年8月9日 長崎市長 田上富久)と安保法案への慎重審議の意を表した。



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